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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: AQR

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Ain't Quite Right

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
ETOHExtremely Trashed Or Hammered (2 Derivations Given: Corruption Of "Etho" [ethanol Addict] Or From "EtOH" [chemistry Abbreviation For Ethanol])
DKADon't/Doesn't Know Anything (but Is Explained To Relatives As Diabetic Ketoacidosis If Challenged)
PIAFPIssed As A Fart (drunk) (also PAAF -Pissed As A Fart)
LMCLow Marble Count (low IQ)
PAAFPissed As A Fart (also PIAF -PIssed As A Fart)
NGMINot Going To Make It
RTTBBBRat-a-Tat-Tat With A Baseball Bat (hit With Blunt Instrument).
KSSKidney Stone Squirm - A Spot Diagnosis In A&E
APTFRANApply Pillow To Face, Repeat As Necessary (for Annoying Patient)
TLCTube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim)

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