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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: AMC

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Adaptive Modulation And Coding (digital Communications) - U.S. Air Mobility Command - American Motors Corporation - U.S. Army Materiel Command

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
BEBelarusian Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
CYMWelsh Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SSESouth South-East -Streaming SIMD Extensions
AWSIMAir Warfare SIMulation
OPCONOperational Control
IVDInternet Video Device
SCFHStandard Cubic Foot Per Hour (unit Of Measurement Of Fluid Flow)
HTGHaitian Gourde (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
EWSDElektronisches W?hlsystem Digital (German
NENebraska (postal Symbol) - Niger (ISO 3166 Digram) - North-East

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