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Acronyms starting with S Page 28

 Acronym Category Meaning
SPEChemistry AcronymsSolar Proton Event
SPEChemistry AcronymsSolid Phase Electrolyte
SPEChemistry AcronymsSolid Phase Epitaxy
SPEChemistry AcronymsSolid Phase Extraction
SPEChemistry AcronymsSolid Polymer Electrolyte
SPEComputer And Internet AcronymsSuperparamagnetic Effect
SPENASA AcronymsSolid Polymer Electrolysis
SPENASA AcronymsStatic Phase Error
SPEACUncategorized AcronymsStop Primate Experiments At Cambridge (later Became SPEAK)
SPEARChemistry AcronymsStanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring
SPECUS Military AcronymsSpecification
SPECComputer And Internet AcronymsStandard Performance Evaluation Corporation
SPECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Programs Evaluation Committee
SPECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStrategic Planning And Evaluation Committee
SPECNASA AcronymsSpecialist Function
SPECNASA AcronymsSpecification
SPECMChemistry AcronymsScanning Photoelectrochemical And Electrochemical Microscopy
SPECMAPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpectral Mapping
SPECTNASA AcronymsSpectrometer
SPECTChemistry AcronymsSingle Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
SPEENASA AcronymsSpecial Purpose End Effector
SPEEDUncategorized AcronymsSubsistence Preparation By Electronic Energy Diffusion (early Military Microwave Oven)
SPEEDChemistry AcronymsSelective Potentiostatic Etching By Electrolytic Dissolution
SPEEDChemistry AcronymsSiRNA Prodn. By Enzymatic Engineering Of DNA
SPEELSChemistry AcronymsSpin-polarized Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
SPEGChemistry AcronymsSolid Phase Epitaxial Growth
SPELEEMChemistry AcronymsSpectroscopic PhotoEmission And Low Energy Electron Microscope
SPELLChemistry AcronymsSpectral Eulerian Lagrangian Model
SPEMChemistry AcronymsScanning Photoemission Microscopy
SPEMC-SCFChemistry AcronymsSelected Paired Excitational Expansion Multiconfiguration-SCF
SPESChemistry AcronymsStep Potential Electrochemical Spectroscopy
SPFChemistry AcronymsSimons-Parr-Finlan (potential Function)
SPFChemistry AcronymsSpecific Pathogen-free
SPFChemistry AcronymsSun Protection Factor
SPFChemistry AcronymsSuperplastic Forming
SPFNASA AcronymsSingle Point Failure
SPFNASA AcronymsSoftware Production Facility
SPFNASA AcronymsSpacelab Processing Facility
SPFUS Military AcronymsSingle Point Failure
SPFANASA AcronymsSingle Point Failure Analysis
SPFDChemistry AcronymsSimons-Parr-Finlan-Dunham (interat. Potential)
SPFMChemistry AcronymsScanning Polarization Force Microscopy
SPFPNASA AcronymsSingle Point Failure Potential
SPFSChemistry AcronymsSurface Plasmon Fluorescence Spectroscopy
SPGChemistry AcronymsShirasu Porous Glass
SPGChemistry AcronymsSequential Product (of) Geminals
SPGNASA AcronymsSignal Point Ground
SPGNASA AcronymsSingle Point Ground
SPGSCUBA Diving AcronymsSubmerssible Pressure Guage
SPHAstronomy AcronymsSmoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics
SPHEMChemistry AcronymsSuperfund Public Health Evaluation Manual
SPHERNASA AcronymsSpherical
SPHFChemistry AcronymsSpin-polarized Hartree-Fock
SPHINCSChemistry AcronymsSequential PHoton Interrogation And Neutron Counting Signatures
SPHRUS Military AcronymsSphere
SPINASA AcronymsSurface Position Indicator
SPINASA AcronymsSurface Position Indicator
SPIChemistry AcronymsSociety For The Plastics Industry
SPIChemistry AcronymsSoy Protein Isolate
SPIAPNASA AcronymsShuttle/Payload Integration Activities Plan
SPICENASA AcronymsEurope
SPICENASA AcronymsSPacelab Payload Integration And Coordination In
SPICEChemistry AcronymsSimulation Program With Integral Circuit Emphasis
SPIDComputer And Internet AcronymsService Profile (Provider) Identification
SPIDFNASA AcronymsSupport Planning Identification File
SPIDPONASA AcronymsOffice (JSC)
SPIDPONASA AcronymsShuttle Payload Integration And Development Progra
SPIDPONASA AcronymsShuttle Payload Integration And Development Program Office
SPIEChemistry AcronymsSociety Of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
SPIEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSociety Of Photo-optical Engineers
SPIEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Society For Optical Engineering
SPIEUncategorized AcronymsOriginally The Society For Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering 1981?2007
SPIESChemistry AcronymsSurface Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy
SPIFNASA AcronymsShuttle Payload Integration Facility
SPIFNASA AcronymsStandard Payload Interface Facility
SPIINASA AcronymsShuttle Program Implementation Instruction
SPIMComputer And Internet AcronymsSpam Over Instant Messaging
SPIMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Program Information Management System
SPINChemistry AcronymsSilica Phase-immobilized Nitroxide
SPINDOChemistry AcronymsSpectroscopic Potentials Adjusted Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
SPINOEChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarization-induced Nuclear Overhauser Effect
SPIOChemistry AcronymsSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide
SPIPESChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarized Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
SPIRESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStanford Physics Information Retrieval System
SPIRITChemistry AcronymsSpatial IR Imaging Telescope
SPIRITChemistry AcronymsSingle Photon Ionization Resonance Ionization To Threshold
SPISChemistry AcronymsSurface Penning Ionization Spectroscopy
SPKBNASA AcronymsSpeedBrake
SPKLUS Military AcronymsSpark Rate Left
SPKRUS Military AcronymsSpark Rate Right
SPKRNASA AcronymsSpeaker
SPLNASA AcronymsScratch Pad Line
SPLNASA AcronymsSerialized Parts List
SPLNASA AcronymsSound Pressure Level
SPLNASA AcronymsSystem Programming Language
SPLUncategorized Acronyms#NAME?
SPLChemistry AcronymsSpent Potliner
SPLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSLATEC Plotting Library
SPLEEDChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarized Low-energy Electron Diffraction
SPLEEMChemistry AcronymsSpin-polarized Low-energy Electron Microscopy

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