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Acronyms starting with R Page 7

 Acronym Category Meaning
RECOUS Military AcronymsRemote Command And Control
RECOGNASA AcronymsRecognition
RECOMBHuman Genome AcronymsConference On Computational Molecular Biology
RECONNASA AcronymsRemote Console
RECONFIGNASA AcronymsReconfiguration
RECONNNASA AcronymsReconnaisance
RECOURSEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRevision Control Unifying Related Environments
RECOVNASA AcronymsRecovery
RECPChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Effective-core Potential
RECPNASA AcronymsReceptacle
RECPNASA AcronymsRequest For Engineering Change Proposal
RECP-CVCChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Effective-core Potential With Core-valence Correlation
RECRCNASA AcronymsRecirculate
RECSNASA AcronymsRepresentative Shuttle Environmental Control System
RECTNASA AcronymsRectifier
RECVNASA AcronymsReceive
RECVRNASA AcronymsReceiver
REDChemistry AcronymsRadiation Enhanced Diffusion
REDNASA AcronymsReduction
REDORChemistry AcronymsRotational Echo Double Resonance
REDUNNASA AcronymsRedundancy
REEChemistry AcronymsRare Earth Element(s)
REEUS Govt. AcronymsResearch
REEDAMedical AcronymsRedness
REEFUncategorized AcronymsReef Environmental Education Foundation
REELMChemistry AcronymsReflected Electron Energy Loss Microscopy
REELSChemistry AcronymsReflection Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy
REESChemistry AcronymsRed Edge Excitation Shift
REFNASA AcronymsRefurbish
REFNASA AcronymsReference
REFUS Military AcronymsReference
REFETChemistry AcronymsRef. Field Effect Transistor
REFRIGNASA AcronymsRefrigerate
REFURBNASA AcronymsRefurbish
REGNASA AcronymsRegulator
REGNASA AcronymsRegister
REGCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRegional Climate Model
REGCM2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsRegional Climate Model
REGENNASA AcronymsRegenerate
REHIChatting AcronymsHello Again
REHISMS Chat And Text AcronymsHello Again
REHIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHi Again
REINASA AcronymsRange From Entry Interface (400 K)
REI-N4NASA AcronymsREI-N4011ite Cation
REILNASA AcronymsRunway End Identification Lights
REILSUS Military AcronymsRunway End Identifier Light System
REIMEPChemistry AcronymsRegulation European Interlab. Measurement Evaluation Program
REINFNASA AcronymsReinforce
REINITNASA AcronymsReinitialize
REISUS Govt. AcronymsRegional Economic Information System
REITBusiness And FinanceReal Estate Investment Trust
REJNASA AcronymsReject
REJUS Military AcronymsReject
RELChemistry AcronymsRecommended Exposure Limit(s)
RELNASA AcronymsRelative
RELUS Military AcronymsRelease
RELAXChemistry AcronymsRefrigerator Enhanced Laser Analyzer For Xenon
RELMAChemistry AcronymsRemote Laser Microanalysis
REMAstronomy AcronymsRat Enclosure Module
REMChemistry AcronymsReservoir Eutrophication Model
REMChemistry AcronymsRapid Eye Movement
REMChemistry AcronymsReflection Electron Microscopy
REMNASA AcronymsRelease Engine Mechanism
REMNASA AcronymsRelease Engine Module
REMNASA AcronymsRelease Escape Mechanism
REMNASA AcronymsRelease-Engage Mechanism
REMNASA AcronymsRoentgen Equivalent In Man
REMUncategorized AcronymsRapid Eye Movement (sleep Phase) - Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
REMUS Military AcronymsRemote
REMCOChemistry AcronymsISO Council Committee On Reference Materials
REMEUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Electrical And Mechanical Engineers
REMFUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Rear-Echelon Mother F*cker. A Term Of Derision Used By Front-line Soldiers To Describe Those In Cushy Jobs In The Rear.
REMOTSChemistry AcronymsRemote Ecological Monitoring Of The Seafloor
REMPIChemistry AcronymsResonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization (for Mass Spectrometry)
REMSChemistry AcronymsReflection Mass Spectrometry
REMUSChemistry AcronymsRemote Environmental Monitoring Units
RENNASA AcronymsRAD Rendezvous Radar
RENDNASA AcronymsRendezvous
REOChemistry AcronymsRare Earth Oxide
REONASA AcronymsRequest
REONASA AcronymsRequire
REODNASA AcronymsRequired
REOMChemistry AcronymsReduced Equations Of Motion (method In Mol.-scattering Calcns.)
REOSChemistry AcronymsRemote Electro-Optical Sensor
REPChemistry AcronymsRadiological Emergency Planning
REPChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Effective Potential
REPChemistry AcronymsRotating Electrode Process
REPAChemistry AcronymsResource And Environmental Profile Analysis
REPEChemistry AcronymsResonance Energy Per Pi Electron
REPELSChemistry AcronymsReemitted Positron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
REPLNASA AcronymsReplace
REPLANTUS Military AcronymsNaval Training Sysyems Center Representative Atlantic
REPPACUS Military AcronymsNaval Training Systems Center Representative Pacific
REPRNASA AcronymsRepressurization
REPRONASA AcronymsReproduction
REQUS Military AcronymsRequired
REQDUS Military AcronymsRequired
REQN4TSNASA AcronymsRequirements (RQN4TS Preferred)
RERChemistry AcronymsRough Endoplasmic Reticulum
RERCUncategorized AcronymsRehabilitation Engineering Research Center

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