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Acronyms starting with N Page 13

 Acronym Category Meaning
NLCChemistry AcronymsNoctilucent Cloud
NLCRChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Continuum Regression
NLDUncategorized AcronymsDutch Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
NLDUncategorized AcronymsNetherlands (ISO 3166 Trigram)
NLDAChemistry AcronymsNonlocal Density Approxn.
NLDFChemistry AcronymsNonlocal Density Functional
NLDFTChemistry AcronymsNonlocal Density Functional Theory
NLDNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Lightning Detection Network
NLDPAstronomy AcronymsNational Launch Development Program
NLDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Lightning Detection System
NLDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Lightning Detection System
NLEUS Govt. AcronymsNational Library Of Education
NLETChemistry AcronymsNational Laboratory For Environmental Testing
NLGUS Military AcronymsNose Landing Gear
NLGNASA AcronymsNose Landing Gear
NLGNASA AcronymsNose Landing Gear
NLGIChemistry AcronymsNational Lubricating Grease Institute
NLGLPHuman Genome AcronymsNational Laboratory Gene Library Project
NLLUncategorized AcronymsNational Lacrosse League
NLLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNice Little Lady
NLLAPChemistry AcronymsNational Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program
NLLSChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Least Squares
NLLSCFChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Least Squares Curve Fitting
NLLSFChemistry AcronymsNon-linear Least Square Fitting
NLLSQChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Least Squares
NLMChemistry AcronymsNational Library Of Medicine
NLMChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Mapping
NLMUS Govt. AcronymsNational Library Of Medicine
NLMHuman Genome AcronymsNational Library Of Medicine
NLMOChemistry AcronymsNatural Localized Mol. Orbital
NLMOChemistry AcronymsNonorthogonal Localized Molecular Orbital
NLNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNCAR Local Network
NLOChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Optical
NLOSUncategorized AcronymsLS -Non Line Of Sight-Launch System
NLPUncategorized AcronymsNatural Language Processing - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (pseudoscience)
NLPChemistry AcronymsNatural Language Processing
NLPChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Programming
NLPLSChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Partial Least Squares
NLPRMedical Acronyms (Slang)No Longer Playing Records (dying)
NLPSChemistry AcronymsNonreactive
NLRBUS Govt. AcronymsNational Labor Relations Board
NLSChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Schroedinger Equation
NLSChemistry AcronymsNuclear Localization Signal
NLSDChemistry AcronymsNonlocal Spin Density (functional Theory)
NLSLEChemistry AcronymsNonlinear Schroedinger-Langevin Equation
NLTNASA AcronymsNot Later Than
NLTNASA AcronymsNot Less Than
NLTEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNon Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
NLTEChemistry AcronymsNon-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
NLWUncategorized AcronymsNon-Lethal Weapon
NLXCChemistry AcronymsNonlocal Exchange Correlation (potential)
NMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNetwork Management
NMNASA AcronymsNanometer
NMNASA AcronymsNautical Miles
NMNASA AcronymsNetwork Manager (GSFC)
NMNASA AcronymsNonmetallic
NMUncategorized AcronymsNanometre
NMUncategorized AcronymsNew Mexico (postal Symbol)
NMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsNever Mind
NMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsNot Much
NMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNever Mind
NMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNice Move
NMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNothing Much
NMAChemistry AcronymsNuclear Microanalysis
NMABNASA AcronymsNational Materials Advisory Board
NMACBusiness And FinanceNissan Motor Acceptance Corporation
NMAMChemistry AcronymsNIOSH Manual Of Analytical Methods
NMBUS Govt. AcronymsNational Mediation Board
NMCUS Military AcronymsNaval Material Command
NMCUS Military AcronymsNot Mission Capable
NMCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot My Concern
NMCNASA AcronymsNational Meteorological Center
NMCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Meteorological Center
NMCChemistry AcronymsNew Muon Collaboration
NMCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNASCOM Management Control Center
NMCIUncategorized AcronymsNavy Marine Corps Intranet
NMCMUS Military AcronymsNot Mission Capable Maintenance
NMCMSUS Military AcronymsNot Mission Capable Maintenance Scheduled
NMCMUUS Military AcronymsNot Mission Capable Maintenance Uncheduled
NMCSUS Military AcronymsNot Mission Capable Supply
NMCSUncategorized AcronymsNot Mission Capable Supply (SM&R Code)
NMCSCFChemistry AcronymsNumerical Multiconfiguration Self-consistent Field
NMDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNASA Master Directory
NMDUncategorized AcronymsU.S. National Missile Defense
NMDARChemistry AcronymsN-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor
NMDASUS Military AcronymsNavy Manpower Data Accounting System
NMDRChemistry AcronymsNuclear Magnetic Double Resonance
NMDSChemistry AcronymsNonmetric Multidimensional Scaling
NMEChemistry AcronymsNew Molecular Entity
NMEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEnemy
NMEPChemistry AcronymsNational Materials Exposure Programme
NMFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNormal Mode Functions
NMFPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot My F*cking Problem
NMFSUS Govt. AcronymsNational Marine Fisheries Service
NMFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Marine Fisheries Service
NMFSChemistry AcronymsNational Marine Fisheries Service (of NOAA)
NMHSMS Chat And Text AcronymsNot Much Here
NMHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot Much Here
NMHCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNon-Methane Hydrocarbons
NMHCChemistry AcronymsNonmethane Hydrocarbons

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