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Acronyms starting with F Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
FVUncategorized AcronymsFemtovolt
FV-CAS-SCFChemistry AcronymsFull Valence-complete Active Space-SCF
FV-MC-SCFChemistry AcronymsFull Valence Multiconfiguration Self-consistent Field
FVCChemistry AcronymsForced Vital Capacity (lung Function)
FVDMedical AcronymsFluid Volume Deficit
FVEAHuman Genome AcronymsFundacion Valenciana De Estudios Avanzados
FVEHChemistry AcronymsFragment Valence Effective Hamiltonian (in Electronic-structure Calcns. On Mol. Fragments)
FVFNASA AcronymsFirst Vertical Flight
FVMSNASA AcronymsFluid Volume Measurement System
FVPChemistry AcronymsFlash Vacuum Pyrolysis
FVRCIChemistry AcronymsFull Valence Rydberg Configuration Interaction
FVVNASA AcronymsFacility Verification Vehicle
FVVMChemistry AcronymsFinite Volume Variational Method (for Mol. Calcns.)
FWNASA AcronymsFlag Word
FWNASA AcronymsFuel Wasting
FWUncategorized AcronymsFemtowatt
FWUncategorized AcronymsForward
FWAChemistry AcronymsFluorescent Whitening Agent
FWBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFriends With Benefits
FWBNASA AcronymsFahrenheit Wet Bulb
FWCUncategorized AcronymsFootball World Cup
FWDNASA AcronymsForward
FWDNASA AcronymsHT SHLDForward Heat Shield
FWDUS Military AcronymsForward
FWDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsForward
FWEChemistry AcronymsFaddeev-Watson Expansion (for T-operator In Atomic Collisions)
FWFUncategorized AcronymsFixed Word Format
FWGNASA AcronymsFacility Working Group
FWHHChemistry AcronymsFull Width At The Half-height
FWHMAstronomy AcronymsFull Width At Half Maximum
FWHMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFull Width
FWHMChemistry AcronymsFull Width At Half Maximum
FWHPChemistry AcronymsFull Width At Half Peak
FWIUncategorized AcronymsFrench West Indies
FWIWUncategorized AcronymsFor What It's Worth
FWIWComputer And Internet AcronymsFor What It's Worth
FWIWSMS Chat And Text AcronymsFor What It's Worth
FWIWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor What It's Worth
FWIWChatting AcronymsFor What It's Worth
FWMChemistry AcronymsFour-wave Mixing
FWPCAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Water Pollution Control Act
FWPCAChemistry AcronymsFederal Water Pollution Control Act Of 1972
FWPCAChemistry AcronymsFederal Water Pollution Control Administration
FWQCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFederal Water Quality Criteria
FWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFilter Wedge Spectrometer
FWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFish And Wildlife Service
FWSUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Fish And Wildlife Service
FWSUS Govt. AcronymsFish And Wildlife Service
FWTUncategorized AcronymsFresh Water Tank
FWWNASA AcronymsFood
FWWMNASA AcronymsFood
FWWMSNASA Acronyms Food
FXMedical AcronymsFracture
FXMedical AcronymsFracture
FXUncategorized AcronymsFirefox -Metropolitan France (ISO 3166 Digram; Obsolete 1997)
FXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFSL's X-window Workstation
FX-ALPHAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFSL X-window AWIPS-Like Prototype For Hydrometeorological Applications
FXDNASA AcronymsFixed
FXRChemistry AcronymsFarnesoid X Receptor
FXXUncategorized AcronymsMetropolitan France (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1997)
FYNASA AcronymsFiscal Year
FYUncategorized AcronymsFiscal Year -Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (NATO Country Code)
FYUncategorized AcronymsWest Frisian Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
FYAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFiscal Year
FYChemistry AcronymsFiscal Year
FYAChatting AcronymsFor Your Amusement
FYASMS Chat And Text AcronymsFor Your Amusement
FYAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Your Amusement
FYBUS Army Acronyms (Slang)F*ck Your Buddy. When Someone Unintentionally Gets A Friend In Trouble, He Is Playing FYB.
FYDPUncategorized AcronymsFive-Year Defense Plan (U.S.)
FYDPUS Military AcronymsFive Year Defense Plan
FYEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Your Edification
FYEOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Your Eyes Only.
FYFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFrom Your Friend
FYIComputer And Internet AcronymsFor Your Information
FYISMS Chat And Text AcronymsFor Your Information
FYIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Your Information
FYIUncategorized AcronymsFor Your Information
FYIChatting AcronymsFor Your Information
FYIFVText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsF*ck You I'm Fully Vested
FYLTGEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFrom Your Lips To Gods Ears
FYMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsFor Your Misinformation
FYMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFor Your Misinformation
FYNESChemistry AcronymsFluorescence Yield Near Edge Spectroscopy
FYROMUncategorized AcronymsFormer Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia
FYSBUS Govt. AcronymsFamily And Youth Services Bureau
FYSBIGTBABNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsFasten Your SeatBelt It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night
FYYFFUS Army Acronyms (Slang)F*ck You, You F*cking F*ck
FZChemistry AcronymsFusion Zone
FZDZUncategorized AcronymsFreezing Drizzle (METAR Code)
FZFGUncategorized AcronymsFreezing Fog (METAR Code)
FZPChemistry AcronymsFresnel Zone Plate
FZRAUncategorized AcronymsFreezing Rain (METAR Code)
FIUncategorized AcronymsF?d?ration ?questre Internationale (French International Federation For Equestrian Sports)

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