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Acronyms starting with C Page 7

 Acronym Category Meaning
CBOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCongressional Budget Office
CBOChemistry AcronymsCoulomb Born Oppenheimer
CBOChemistry AcronymsCorrected Born-Oppenheimer (in Calcns. For Mol. Complexes)
CBOChemistry AcronymsCrude Born-Oppenheimer (wave Functions)
CBOUS Govt. AcronymsCongressional Budget Office
CBOAChemistry AcronymsCrude Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
CBODChemistry AcronymsCarbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CBOLUncategorized AcronymsConsortium For The Barcode Of Life
CBOXChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-Born With No Exchange
CBPChemistry AcronymsCombustion By-Product (from Incineration)
CBPNASA AcronymsConnector Bracket Power
CBRAstronomy AcronymsCosmic Background Radiation
CBRChemistry AcronymsCosmic Background Radiation
CBRUncategorized AcronymsCase-Based Reasoning
CBRUS Army Acronyms (Official)Chemical-Biological-Radiological (see NBC); Charger Battery Relay
CBRAChemistry AcronymsCoastal Barriers Resource Act
CBRF3NASA AcronymsBromotrifluoromethane (Fire-Extinguishing Material)
CBRNUncategorized AcronymsChemical
CBRNEChemistry AcronymsChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive
CBRNEUncategorized AcronymsChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive
CBRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCoastal Barrier Resources System
CBSChemistry AcronymsComplete Basis Set
CBSChemistry AcronymsCystathionine Beta-synthase
CBSMedical AcronymsCapillary Blood Sugar
CBSNASA AcronymsConnector Bracket Signal
CBSUncategorized AcronymsColumbia Broadcasting System - Corps Battle Simulation
CBS-FCIChemistry AcronymsComplete Basis Set-full Configuration Interaction
CBS-QCIChemistry AcronymsComplete Basis Set-quadratic Configuration Interaction
CBSAChemistry AcronymsChlorobenzenesulfonic Acid
CBSANASA AcronymsCargo Bay Stowage Assembly
CBSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsChange Board Support System
CBTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComputer Based Training
CBTUncategorized AcronymsCognitive Behaviour Therapy -Combat
CBTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Chronic Burger/Biscuit Toxicity (obesity)
CBTComputer And Internet AcronymsComputer-Based Training
CBVNASA AcronymsCabin Bleed Valve
CBWNASA AcronymsConstant Bandwidth
CBXChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-Born Approxn. With Exchange
CBXNASA AcronymsC-Band Transponder
CBXTChemistry AcronymsCommunity-Based Clinical Trial
CCChemistry AcronymsClosed Cup (Flash Point Test Method)
CCChemistry AcronymsClose Coupling Method (for Atom-molecule Collisions)
CCChemistry AcronymsCombined Cycle
CCChemistry AcronymsCoupled Channel
CCChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster (quantum Calcn. Method)
CCMedical AcronymsChief Complaint
CCNASA AcronymsCarbon-Carbon
CCNASA AcronymsChannel Controller
CCNASA AcronymsChief Counsel (KSC Directorate)
CCNASA AcronymsCommunications Control
CCNASA AcronymsCost Center
CCNASA AcronymsCrew Compartment
CCNASA AcronymsCrew(s) Certified
CCUncategorized Acronyms Many
CCUS Military AcronymsConfiguration Control
CCComputer Acronyms (Common)Carbon Copy
CCBusiness And FinanceCross Cutting
CC-CIChemistry AcronymsCluster Corrected-configuration Interaction
CC-CPAChemistry AcronymsCharge-correlated CPA
CC-DQMCChemistry AcronymsClamped-coordinate Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo
CC-EHChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Effective Hamiltonian
CC-LRTChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster(-based) Linear Response Theory
CC-PV(D,T,Q)Chemistry AcronymsCorrelation-consistent Polarized (double, Triple, Or Quadruple)-split Valence Basis Set
CC-VTZChemistry AcronymsCorrelation Consistent-valence Triple Zeta (basis Set)
CC/RVDFChemistry AcronymsCodex Committee On Residues Of Veterinary Drugs In Food
CCAChemistry AcronymsCanonical Correspondence Analysis
CCAChemistry AcronymsChannel Coupling Array (quantum Theory For Atoms And Mols.)
CCAChemistry AcronymsClose-coupling Approximation
CCAChemistry AcronymsConvex Constraint Analysis
CCAChemistry AcronymsCopper Chromium Arsenic
CCAChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Approach
CCAChemistry AcronymsCrystalline Cluster Approach (in Electronic Structure Calcns.)
CCAChemistry AcronymsCrystalline Colloidal Array
CCANASA AcronymsCommunications Carrier Assembly
CCANASA AcronymsCommunications Carrier Assembly
CCANASA AcronymsContract Change Authorization
CCANASA AcronymsContract Change Authorization
CCANASA AcronymsCoolant Control Assembly
CCAUncategorized AcronymsCounter Command Activity
CCAUS Military AcronymsCarrier Controlled Approach
CCAUS Military AcronymsCircuit Card Assembly
CCAUS Military AcronymsCritical Characteristics Audit
CCAAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCanadian Clean Air Act
CCAAChemistry AcronymsCanadian Clean Air Act
CCABAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCGD Computing Advisory Board
CCAFSAstronomy AcronymsCape Canaveral Air Force Station
CCAFSNASA AcronymsCape Canaveral Air Force Station
CCAFSNASA AcronymsCape Canaveral Air Force Station
CCAMChemistry AcronymsCharge-conserving Approxn. Method (for Quantum Calcns.)
CCAPChemistry AcronymsCancer Chromosome Aberration Project
CCAPChemistry AcronymsCenter For Clean Air Policy
CCAPChemistry AcronymsClimate Change Action Plan
CCAPChemistry AcronymsCrustacean Cardioactive Peptide
CCARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsColorado Center For Astrodynamics Research
CCARSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComputer Controlled Automatic Rain Sampler
CCATSNASA Acronyms Command
CCAWGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClimate Change And Assessment Working Group
CCBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCenter For Capacity Building
CCBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsChange Control Board
CCBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConfiguration Control Board

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