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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: AE

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Aggressive Euthanasia - A Procedure That Obnoxious Patients Would Benefit From.

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
OBSObvious Bullsh*t
TLCTube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim)
FOSFound On Street: Unidentified Dead Homeless Person
TEETHTried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy
TDSTerminal Deceleration Syndrome (e.g. RTA Death, High-rise Syndrome, Jump-suicides And Parachute-failed-to-open)
PFOPissed (Drunk) And Fell Over
AQPAssuming The Q Position: Deteriorating Or Dying With Tongue Hanging Out
VBTVery Bad Thing
FURBFunny, Unusual, Rectal Blockage (people Who Use Inappropriate Objects To Insert Into The Rectum)
FFDIDFound Face Down In Ditch

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