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Acronym: SALT

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Southern African Large Telescope - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

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CAMChemical Agent Monitor - Computer-Aided Manufacturing
DCCDigital Command Control (model Railroading) - Direct Client-to-Client (Internet Relay Chat) - Dismounted Close Combat
CCRPCommand And Control Research Program
PIRAProvisional Irish Republican Army
IUSSIntegrated Undersea Surveillance System - Integrated Unit Simulation System - International Union Of Soil Science
NETWARSNetwork Warfare Simulation
LTULithuania (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PETPersonal Electronic Transactor - Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Positron Emission Tomography (as In PET Scan) - PolyEthylene Terephthalate (plastic) -Preliminary English Test
OMGObject Management Group - Oh
ORMOromo Language (ISO 639-2 Code)

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