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Acronym: KN

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Democratic People's Republic Of Korea (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Saint Kitts And Nevis (ISO 3166 Digram)

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
SCGSerbia And Montenegro (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PCNPitcairn Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram)
NNWNorth North-West
TNTswana Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SNESSuper Nintendo Entertainment System
VFDArticles For Deletion (used In Wikipedia)
ASICSAnima Sana In Corpore Sano (Latin
SGSango Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
NPLNational Priorities List -Nepal (ISO 3166 Trigram)
VNDVietnamese ??ng (ISO 4217 Currency Code)

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