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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: K

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PMCPrimary Motor Cortex
SCGSerbia And Montenegro (ISO 3166 Trigram)
AAcro (joke Acronym)
MEOMedium Earth Orbit - Most Efficient Organization
XBAEuropean Composite Unit (EURCO; Bonds Market Unit) (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ATAPIAdvanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
PKMSPulemet Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy Stepanova (Russian ???? ??????? ??????????? ????????????????? ?????????
GELGeorgian Lari (ISO 4217 Currency Code) - Gilbert And Ellice Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1977)
VFAVolatile Fatty Acid
CICSCustomer Information Control System (IBM Mainframe Software; Kicks Or C-I-C-S)

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