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Acronym: ABA

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

American Bar Association - American Basketball Association - American Beverage Association - American Bicycle Association - American Birding Association - Australian Broadcasting Authority

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KHMKhmer Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SDOScattered Disc Object
ADDIEAnalyze Design Develop Implement And Evaluate
XVIISeventeen (in Roman Numerals)
ASCAPAmerican Society Of Composers
SPAAGSelf-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
QBQuarterback (football)
NGNanogram - Ndonga Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
USTUnderground Storage Tank
RCARadio Corporation Of America - Root Cause Analysis - Royal Canadian Artillery - Royal City Avenue (famous Entertainment Zone In Thailand)

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